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We have been a certified colorectal cancer center since May 2022. The seal of approval from the German Cancer Society (DKG) stands for the highest quality and safety.
Anyone seeking certification must meet numerous criteria. These include above-average case numbers of colorectal cancer operations, excellent equipment, specialized specialists, regular data analyses and evaluations, weekly tumor conferences, differentiated offers in the areas of counseling, nutrition, exercise, self-help and much more.
Guidelines summarize current medical knowledge, weigh up the benefits and harms of examinations and treatments and provide specific recommendations on how to proceed on this basis. For colorectal cancer, we also follow the so-called S3 guidelines and keep your individual disease in mind.

Surgery and Internal Medicine II (gastroenterology) work particularly closely together in our clinic, for example when it comes to colorectal cancer (the treatment of tumors of the colon and rectum). We are also the right point of contact for patients with other bowel diseases, e.g. inflammatory bowel diseases (e.g. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or diverticula of the bowel).

This is what our center offers:

  • Pre- and post-operative examinations in close cooperation with gastroenterology specialists in the region
  • internal medicine: drug therapy and differentiated diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in close cooperation with the oncology specialist practice ZAHO, Brühl
  • Surgical: gentle surgical procedures (often minimally invasive); consultation hours for bowel and anal diseases
  • Interdisciplinary tumor conferences
  • Stoma consultation
  • Palliative measures (laser therapy, stent technology)
  • Holistic care including pastoral care, psychotherapy, psycho-oncology, creative therapy (music and art) and self-help groups
  • Services
  • Team
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  • Impressions

Proctology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus. We treat anal fistulas, abscesses, enlarged hemorrhoidal nodes and acute and chronic anal fissures, among other things. Transanal (i.e. through the anus) stapler procedures (e.g. Longo surgery) are also used for grade II and III haemorrhoids. We can perform numerous minor procedures in this area on an outpatient basis.

A major focus is the treatment of malignant changes in the colon and rectum (colorectal cancer). Close cooperation with the internal medicine and anesthesiology departments as well as oncology and radiotherapy colleagues enables comprehensive pre- and post-operative care for every stage and degree of severity. In addition to the entire diagnostic process, this also includes the planning of subsequent therapies (e.g. rehabilitation, chemotherapy, radiotherapy).

Benign, inflammatory diseases of the large intestine (e.g. diverticulitis) are very common and in uncomplicated cases only need to be operated on after a recurrence. Minimally invasive surgical methods are playing an increasingly important role here.

In some cases of cancer of the rectum (rectal carcinoma), surgery is the second step. This means that prior radiotherapy and chemotherapy can help to reduce the size of the tumor before the operation in order to preserve the sphincter function.

We also frequently use minimally invasive surgery for malignant diseases of the colon and rectum. The patient's diet and mobilization after bowel surgery are usually carried out very quickly to improve blood circulation, stimulate and heal the bowel. Optimized pain therapy is important to us.

Together with our vascular surgeons, we also provide coordinated and safe treatment for large tumors with organ-spreading growth. We are also able to remove other organs in the vicinity of the colon and rectum (urinary bladder or internal genitalia). We often work together with our gynecology department or our urology cooperation partner. The primary goal for a successful cure is always the gentle removal of healthy tissue.

The liver is an important filter for carcinoma cells in the colon. For this reason, metastases are often found here. Complete removal of liver tumors can still be successful. Thanks to modern techniques and procedures in liver surgery, gentle operations can be performed with very little blood loss.
In the case of complex central liver tumors, we work together with our university partners.

The pelvic floor forms the end of the abdominal cavity, and many diseases in this area are an interdisciplinary challenge. This means that the specialties of urology (bladder and prostate), gynaecology (bladder and uterus) and surgery (diseases of the rectum and anus) are intertwined.

The following complaints are the focus of diagnosis and treatment:

  • Incontinence of urine and stool
  • Dysfunctional emptying of the bladder and rectum (defecation disorders, constipation)
  • Prolapse of the rectum and uterus

Our social services support patients even before they are discharged in organizing post-inpatient assistance, for example with applications to the pension office or with finding rehabilitation facilities, care services and self-help groups.

We work closely with the Deutsche ILCO e. V. (German ILCO Association), which is a solidarity organization for stoma carriers (people with an artificial bowel outlet or artificial urinary diversion) and people with bowel cancer and their relatives.
Translated, ILCO means: Ileum = small intestine and colon = large intestine.
The association also offers regular group meetings in our clinic. Information, advice and exchange from and for those affected and their relatives are the top priority.

Together with our cooperation partners, we take care of our patients' health. List of our cooperation partners.

We are a member of the Integrative Intestinal Center Bonn/Rhein-Sieg e. V. (IDZB).
Hospitals and doctors in private practice as well as other specialists in the region work closely together here to provide the best possible care for patients with colorectal cancer. The specialists involved work together according to defined quality criteria and applicable professional guidelines. The IDZB is supported by German Cancer Aid.

To research colorectal carcinoma, we are establishing a scientific cooperation with the Clinic I for Internal Medicine at the University of Cologne.

As an academic teaching hospital of the University of Cologne, science plays a major role for us. In May 2014, for example, the study "Characterization of tumor-associated B-cell subsets in patients with colorectal cancer" was published. It was developed with the collaboration of Chief Physician Dr. Pascal Joachim Scherwitz.

Patients with stage I and III colon cancer are to be included in the Colopredict Plus study. The aim was to record microsatellite instability (MSI) in combination with a KRAS mutation in the prognosis of stage II colon carcinomas. The primary target parameter is the recording of care over five years.

Chief physician

  • Dr. med. Pascal Scherwitz

    Facharzt für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Gefäßchirurgie; Facharzt für spezielle Viszeralchirurgie; Proktologe

Senior Physician/Coordinator Colorectal Cancer Center

  • Dr. med. Michael Alexander Engel

    Facharzt für Viszeral- und spezielle Viszeralchirurgie; Koordinator Darmzentrum

Senior consultant

  • Dr. med. Kerstin Gray-Valdes

    Fachärztin für Allgemeinchirurgie, Gefäßchirurgie/Endovascularchirurgie und Viszeralchirurgie; Fachärztin für spezielle Viszeralchirurgie; Koordinatorin Gefäßmedizin

Senior physicians

  • Khalil Akkash

    Facharzt für Gefäßchirurgie

  • Dr. med. Julien Coignet

    Facharzt für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Gefäßchirurgie, Phlebologe

  • Dr. med. Michael Gretschel-Pieper

    Facharzt für Allgemein- und Gefäßchirurgie

  • Andrea Hoffmann

    Fachärztin für Chirurgie; Koordinatorin Hernienzentrum

  • Anton Vernyk

    Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie; Koordinator Hernienzentrum

Chief Physician / Medical Director

  • Dr. med. Pascal Scherwitz

    Facharzt für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Gefäßchirurgie; Facharzt für spezielle Viszeralchirurgie; Proktologe

Coordinator Colorectal Cancer Center / Senior Physician

  • Dr. med. Michael Alexander Engel

    Facharzt für Viszeral- und spezielle Viszeralchirurgie; Koordinator Darmzentrum

Chief medical secretariat